The Turlock Public Safety Facility was constructed on 4.5 acres in the downtown redevelopment area of Turlock, California. The new 59,550 square foot facility will house the Fire Department Administration, all Police Services, the 911 Center, and the City Emergency Operation Center. The building is being built with the City’s Downtown Core Architectural Standards to blend in with the existing buildings and includes rebuilding all four surrounding streets with utilities. The project includes a 180 foot radio tower, back-up electrical generators, a community meeting room, and space for future expansion. The building is constructed using a structural steel frame with metal stud exterior walls. All of the specialty areas expected in this type of facility are included: a fitness center, record keeping, evidence handling, SWAT operations, and investigation. The secure parking lot contains specific areas for the mobile command unit, SWAT vehicle, DUI trailer, and a sally port for custody transfer.

West Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District – Phase ll
The WVMVCD TI – Phase II project was initially envisioned by the Owner to be a “simple” office expansion within the second floor their existing warehouse facility. The Owner worked with their Architect to develop the scope of work to include: 1)
Ontario, CA